Teaser Rods

Crowder Deep Drop and Teaser Rods are built out of our own specifically designed 50lb.,80lb., and 130lb. blanks. This series offers the perfect choice for deep dropping for big grouper and snappers or pulling teasers and dredges to lure in big game fish.

Our selection of light and heavy-action fishing teaser rods is perfect for light trolling applications. Whether you’re angling for a 50lb. Grouper or chasing a sailfish, these rods are designed to take on any challenge. They use solid E-Glass blanks, and Aftco Uni-butts and Stora-Butts are available for extra strength.

For deep-water angling or light trolling applications, Teaser Rods offer the perfect solution for serious offshore fishing! With their rugged construction and sensitivity, these rods are the perfect choice for anglers looking to do serious offshore fishing. From trolling for wahoo and tuna to bottom fishing for grouper and snapper, these fishing teaser rods are up to the challenge!


Mfg#SeriesStyleLengthLine ClassGimbleSeatButtGuidesTopRetail Price
DD50E SeriesDeep Drop6'50 lb.Aftco #2 Curved Uni-buttFuji SINAftco Swivel Top679.99
DD80E SeriesDeep Drop6'80 lb.Aftco #4 Curved Uni-buttAftco Big Foot RollersAftco Swivel Top799.99
DD80 NBE SeriesDeep Drop6'80 lb.No ButtAftco Big Foot RollersAftco Swivel Top549.99
DD130E SeriesDeep Drop6'130 lb.Aftco #6 Curved Uni-buttAftco Big Foot RollersAftco Swivel Top879.99
DD130 NBE SeriesDeep Drop6'130 lb.No ButtAftco Big Foot RollersAftco Swivel Top589.99
DDS50BluewaterDeep Drop5' 10"50 lb.Aftco #2 Curved Uni-buttFuji SICWinthrop689.99
DDS5080 LONGBluewaterDeep Drop6'10"50-80 lb.Aftco #2 Curved Uni-buttFuji SICWinthrop769.99
DDS5080 LONG NBBluewaterDeep Drop6'10"50-80 lb.No ButtFuji SICWinthrop489.99
DDS80BluewaterDeep Drop6'80 lb.Aftco #4 Curved Uni-buttFuji SICWinthrop749.99
DDS80 TTBluewaterDeep Drop6'80 lb.Aftco #4 Curved Uni-buttFuji SICWinthrop Titanium849.99
EDD50E SeriesDeep Drop5'50 lb.Aftco #2 Curved Uni-buttAftco HD RollersAftco Swivel Top569.99
EDD80E SeriesDeep Drop5'80 lb.Aftco #2 Curved Uni-buttAftco HD RollersAftco Swivel Top609.99
EDD80 NBE SeriesDeep Drop5'80 lb.No ButtAftco HD RollersAftco Swivel Top359.99
EDD130E SeriesDeep Drop5'130 lb.Aftco #4 Curved Uni-buttAftco HD Roller Stripper/ FujiAftco Swivel Top649.99
EDD130 NBE SeriesDeep Drop5'130 lb.No ButtAftco HD Roller Stripper/ FujiAftco Swivel Top369.99
ENC6100 CE NamicDeep Drop6'50-130 lb.Bent ButtFuji GuidesAftco Swivel Top329.99
ENC6100 DDCE NamicDeep Drop6'50-130 lb.Bent ButtFuji GuidesAftco Swivel Top399.99
Teaser WT NB - 18AccessoryTeaser18"80 lb.No ButtWinthrop Kite Top249.99
Teaser WT NB - 24AccessoryTeaser24"80 lb.No ButtWinthrop Kite Top249.99
Teaser WT UB4C - 18AccessoryTeaser18"80 lb.Aftco #4 Curved Uni-buttWinthrop Kite Top459.99
Teaser WT UB4C - 24AccessoryTeaser24"80 lb.Aftco #4 Curved Uni-buttWinthrop Kite Top459.99
Teaser WT SB4C - 24AccessoryTeaser24"80 lb.Aftco #4 Curved Sorta-buttWinthrop Kite Top669.99
Teaser SIC UB4C - 36AccessoryTeaser36"80 lb.Aftco #4 Curved Uni-buttFuji SIC (One Guide)Aftco Swivel Top399.99
H Kite RodE SeriesKite RodAluminum GimbleAluminum SeatSlick ButtFuji Ceramic Top189.99
Kite Rod ProE SeriesKite RodFuji GraphiteFuji GraphiteSlick ButtFuji SIC Kite Top179.99
Kite Rod Pro ALE SeriesKite RodAluminum GimbleAluminum GimbleSlick ButtFuji SIC Kite Top199.99
Kite Rod Pro AL BUTTE SeriesKite RodStuart 1pc Butt239.99
Kite Rod Pro WT ALE SeriesKite RodAluminum GimbleAluminum SeatWinthrop Kite Top229.99
Kite Rod Pro WT AL BUTTE SeriesKite RodStuart 1pc ButtWinthrop Kite Top299.99

The Crowder Deep Drop Rods offer:

  • Rods built on E- Glass blanks
  • Aftco Uni-Butts and Stora-Butts are available
  • Fuji SIC or SIN guides and Aftco Big Game guides are available
  • Aftco Swivel Tops and Winthrop Tops are available
  • Lifetime Warranty against factory defects backed by Crowder Rods
  • Designed by Rob Crowder and manufactured in Stuart, FL